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Where it Began
The saying, "A chip on your shoulder" is so true!!
Honestly, from time to time we may have a chip on our shoulder. That too is okay. Let's learn to better understand one another and the different chips we may have. Maybe a person's chip on their shoulder is due to the fact that we are STILL looking for a cure to cancer or Autism? What is being done to help people with mental health issues that maybe cannot afford help?
Our goal is to reach as many people as possible in an collective effort to come together and raise awareness for so many different causes. Thank you for joining the Lil Nacho Family where we believe it truly "Takes a Village."Each T-shirt or piece of merchandise featuring the special "Lil Nacho"
can be found in our Lil Nacho store.
Please feel free to browse the different causes. We encourage you to find something near and dear to your heart that YOU would like to help support.
Together and as a supportive team WE CAN and WE WILL Support multiple causes.
Tiffany Zuniga